Test report of NIJ Level 4 Body Armor Plates – Monolithic SiC

monolithic silicon carbide ceramic (20)

Summary of NIJ Level 4 Body Armor Plates – Monolithic Silicon Carbide

Test Sample25x30cm PSIV plate ~2.6kg/pc (made from PE Monolithic Silicon Carbide Ceramic)
Tested stand alone
Test StandardNIJ 0101.06 level IV
Test Ammunition7.62mm armor-piercing cartridge type 53 x 3 shots
Test ByChina Ordnance Equipment Test Center
Test Time2021
Test ResultAll passed testing for NIJ 0101.06 level IV

Test report of NIJ Level 4 Body Armor Plates – Monolithic Silicon Carbide

nij level iv stnad alone bulletproof plate silicon carbide 4 1
nij level iv stnad alone bulletproof plate silicon carbide 4 1
nij level iv stnad alone bulletproof plate silicon carbide 5 1
nij level iv stnad alone bulletproof plate silicon carbide 5 1

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